
Facial Hemangiomas

We have formulated a cream for eliminating Hemangiomas.
This cream will reduce or eliminate the Hemangioma without scarring.
Our current treatment is laser removal which is quite painful and leaves scars with uneven skin.
A child will have to live with scarring for the rest of their life. It is an emotional rollercoaster that can be avoided with a simple cream.

The following is the traditional laser treatment:

The following is a simulated result with our Hemangioma Cream:

We are currently asking for donations to cover the cost of  New Use Patents, seeking insurance / Medicaid approval, and promotion for pharmaceutical purchase for production.
Total cost estimated at $80,000
(Production is not included in this estimate)

If you would like to help us with Hemangioma Research and Development
Please Click on the Following Donation Button

This Research Program is now Fully Funded.We are now in the Development Stage.

Living With Angels Foundation is NOT A NON FOR PROFIT and is listed as a Private Foundation
Donations Are Not Tax Deductable

Living With Angels Foundation
Identification Number 46-5748970
Listed as a Private Foundation

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